


Many websites, specially little or older websites, are developed using static internet pages. These websites are built using HTML, Javascript, and Macromedia Flash computer code. This code is complicated to access on web servers and is virtually impossible to edit without particular software and training. Thus, static sites are difficult and costly to keep.

To solve this website design and maintenance issue, a new technology known as a Content Management System (CMS) was created. A CMS uses a database to save, retrieve, and edit the content of your website. Each page of your web site is kept as simple text - making it easy to edit, search, and manipulate. When a person visits your web page the CMS instantly converts your text into the expected HTML and Javascript. In addition, the CMS database enables for extra features to be very easily integrated into the site: user login and passwords, events and calendars, blogs, news feeds, and much more.

The Php Catalog script is a “one in a box solution” suited for presenting online any kind of products or services. Create everything you want, from a complicated real estate internet site with thousands of pages to a basic one page single product presentation catalog, and all that with just a several mouse clicks.

Go to our web site and discover more info about our CMS script : catalog

php_script.txt · 最終更新: 2013/03/20 19:14 by isaiah616